22.M. Ronda-Lloret, L. Yang, M. Hammerton, V. S. Marakatti, M. Tromp, Z. Sofer, A. Sepúlveda-Escribano, E V. Ramos-Fernandez, J. Delgado, G. Rothenberg, T. Reina, N. R Shiju, Molybdenum oxide supported on Ti3AlC2 is an active reverse water-gas shift catalyst, ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng. 2021, 9 (14), 4957.
21.V.S.Marakatti, E. M Gaigneaux,* Alkylation of resorcinol with tertiary butanol over zeolite catalysts: shape selectivity vs acidity, Catal Commun, 2021, 152, 106291.
20. P. B. Kalahal, A. S. Kulkarni, A. M. Sajjan*, T.M.Y. Khan, I. A Badruddin, S. Kamangar, N. R. Banapurmath,N. H. Ayachit, M. L. Naik, V.S. Marakatti, Fabrication and physicochemical study of B2SA grafted poly(vinyl alcohol)-graphene hybrid membranes for dehydration of bioethanol by pervaporation, Membranes, 2021,11 (2), 110.
19. V. S. Marakatti,* Klimes, Jiri, Kasinathan, Palraj, Sorathia, Kesha, Tew, David, E. M Gaigneaux, Insights on Hydrogen Bond assisted Solvent Selection in Certain Acid-Base Heterogeneous Catalysis through Acceptor and Donor Number, Catal.Sci.Technol.2020, 11, 1345.
18. P, Chiara, V. S. Marakatti, E. M Gaigneaux, Role of Lewis and Brønsted acid sites in the resorcinol tert-butylation over heteropolyacid-based catalysts, Catal.Sci.Technol.2020,10 (23), 7984-7997
17 M. Ronda-Lloret, V. S. Marakatti, W. G. Sloof, J. J Delgado, A. S Escribano, E. V. Ramos-Fernandez, G. Rothenberg, N. R Shiju,*.Butane dry reforming catalyzed by cobalt oxide supported on Ti 2 AlC MAX phase, ChemSuSChem, 2020, 13, 1– 9.
16.V. S. Marakatti,* E. M Gaigneaux, Recent Advances in Heterogeneous Catalysis for Ammonia Synthesis, ChemCatChem, 2020, 12, 5838-5857.
15. V. S. Marakatti, S. Ch. Sarma, Shreya Sarkar, M. Krajčí, E. M Gaigneaux, S. C. Peter, Synthetically Tuned Pd-Based Intermetallic Compounds and their Structural Influence on the O2 Dissociation in Benzylamine Oxidation, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2019, 11, 41, 37602-37616
14 V. S. Marakatti, S. Marappa, E. M. Gaigneaux, Sulfated zirconia: an efficient catalyst for the Friedel–Crafts monoalkylation of resorcinol with methyl tertiary butyl ether to 4-tertiary butylresorcinol, New J. Chem., 2019, 43, 7733-7742
13. V. S. Marakatti, S. C. Peter, Synthetically tuned electronic and geometrical properties of Intermetallic compounds as an effective heterogeneous catalyst, Progress in solid-state Chemistry, 2018 , 52, 1-30. (Review Article)
12. V. S. Marakatti, N Arora, S. Rai, S. Ch. Sarma, S. C. Peter, Understanding the Role of Atomic Ordering in the Crystal Structures of NixSny toward Efficient Vapor Phase Furfural Hydrogenation, ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng.2018, 6,7325. (IF= 6.1)
11. V. S. Marakatti, S. Ch. Sarma, B. Joseph, D. Banerjee, S. C. Peter, Synthetically Tuned Atomic Ordering in PdCu Nanoparticles with Enhanced Catalytic Activity toward Solvent-Free Benzylamine Oxidation, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2017, 9, 3602. (IF = 8.0)
10. V. S. Marakatti, Manjunathan. P, G. V.Shanbhag, A.B. Halgeri, Superior performance of mesoporous tin oxide over nano and bulk in activation of carbonyl group: Conversion of bio-renewable feedstock, Catal. Sci. Technol., 2016, 6, 2268. (IF =5.3)
9. V. S. Marakatti, G. V. Shanbhag, A.B. Halgeri, Metal ion-exchanged zeolites as solid acid catalysts for the green synthesis of nopol from Prins reaction, Catal. Sci. Technol., 2014, 4, 4065. (IF=5.3)
8. V. S. Marakatti, G. V. Shanbhag, A.B. Halgeri, Sulfated zirconia; an efficient and reusable acid catalyst for the selective synthesis of 4-phenyl-1,3-dioxane by Prins cyclization of styrene, Appl. Catal. A: Gen, 2014, 451, 71 (IF= 4.5)
7. P. Manjunathan. V. S. Marakatti, P. Chandra, A. B. Kulal, S. B. Umbarkar, R. Ravishankar, G. V. Shanbhag, Mesoporous tin oxide: An efficient catalyst with versatile applications in acid and oxidation catalysis, Catal. Today, 2018, 309, 61. (IF = 4.6)
6. V. S. Marakatti, S. C. Peter, Nickel-Antimony nanoparticles confined in SBA-15 as a highly efficient catalyst for the hydrogenation of nitroarenes, New J. Chem., 2016, 40, 5448. (IF= 3.2)
5. V. S. Marakatti, D. Mumbaraddi, G. V. Shanbhag, A. B. Halgeri, S. P. Mardaur, Molybdenum oxide/γ-Alumina: An efficient solid acid catalyst for the synthesis of nopol by Prins reaction, RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 93452. (IF= 3.0)
4. V. S. Marakatti*, A.B. Halgeri, Metal ion-exchanged zeolites as a highly active solid acid catalyst for green synthesis of glycerol carbonate from glycerol, RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 14286. (First Corresponding Author Publication) (IF= 3.0)
3. V. S. Marakatti, P. V. C. Rao, N. V. Choudary, G. SriGanesh, A. B. Halgeri, G. V. Shanbhag and R. Ravishankar, Influence of alkaline earth cation exchanged X-zeolite towards o-xylene selectivity in toluene methylation: a Hard-Soft- Acid-Base approach, Adv. Porous Mater. 2014, 2, 221.
2. V.S. Marakatti, G. V. Shanbhag, A. B. Halgeri, Condensation reactions assisted by acidic hydrogen bonded hydroxyl groups in solid tin(II)hydroxychloride, RSC Adv., 2013, 3, 10795. (IF= 3.0)
1. U. Subbarao, V. S. Marakatti, M. K. Amshumali, B. Loukya, D.Singh, R. Datta. S. C. Peter, Size and morphology controlled NiSe nanoparticles as efficient catalyst for the reduction reactions, J. Solid. State. Chem. 2016, 244, 84. (IF = 2.1)
Published an “International Patent” invented by Ravishankar Raman, Peddy Venkata Chalapathi Rao, Nettem venkateswarlu Choudary, Shanbhag Ganapati, Marakatti Vijaykumar, Anand Halgeri and Gandham Sriganesh on “A process for the preparation of isomers of xylene” in collaboration with Hindustan Petrochemical Corporation Limited (HPCL) Bangalore. WO 2015/025327, US Patent 9,919,984.