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Academic Profile 





Pre Degree



B.Sc in Science(PCM)



Masters in Chemistry 



Ph.D. in

Heterogeneous Catalysis





Postdoc 1.




PostDoc 2.





B.K.Model High School, Belagavi,

Karnataka, India.


R L Science College, Belagavi,

Karnataka, India.


R L Science Degree College, Belagavi,

Karnataka, India.


Department of Chemistry, Karnataka Univerity, Dharwad, Karnataka, India.


Poornaprajna Institute of Scientific Research(PPISR), Bangalore, India.

Supervisor: Dr. G.V.Shanbhag

Co-superviosor; A.B.Halgeri


Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for  Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR), Bangalore, India.

Supervisor: Prof.Sebastian C Peter


Univeriste Catholique de Louvain(UClouvain), Belgium.

Superviiosor: Prof Eric Gaigneaux  



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