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International Symposium Intermetallic compounds in Catalysis, Chemnitz Germany.

Conference Proceedings
Nice Discussion with Prof Shinya Furukawa on
Intermetallic compounds over a journey
to Terra mineralia museum
Afternoon Lunch with T Kojima, Shinya Furukawa and Y Xu in Chemnitz
EuropaCat,2019, Aachen Germany.

With Labmates: Gabriel, Ales,Isaac, Eliana and Valentin
Twitter Friends meet up over Beer party.

Mutual Exchange of research ideas on MAX phases and Intermtallics With Prof N R Shiju, Amsterdam University.

With ChemCatChem Editor in Chief Dr. Michael Rowan.
With Prof Avelino Corma, Pioneer in the zeolite, and Heterogeneous catalysis.
12th One-Day Meeting of Young Chemists" Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium.


Oral Presentation on Acceptor And Donor numbers
Concepts in Catalsysis
2019, International Year of Periodic table with European chemical Society at European Parliament Brussels, Belgium

EuChemS President Pilar Goya and C.Stihler unveil the oldest known wallchart of Periodic Table recently found at the University of St Andrews(First Photo) as well as New EuChemS Periodic Table (second Photo)
The story behind the screen in finding the oldest PT wall chart can bee read here

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